Diamond Drill speed

Diamond drill speeds vary depending upon the manufacturer and type of diamond drill.

Diamond Core Drill Bits, for use on glass, stone and tile should be used at slow to very slow speeds,

with the speed decreasing as the hardness of the material increases.
The performance of diamond core drill bits will be enlarged by using the following drill speeds.

Recommended Drill Speeds

Diamond Drill Bits                                                  Recommended Drill Speed (rpm)

Material Bit Size -->                                          1/2"             1"                   2"           3"            4"

Fiberglass                                                          1200           700               350         250         175

Glass, Ceramic & China                                      800            500              250          160         125

Limestone & Marble Stone                                 600            450               225         130          100

Ceramic Wall Tile                                               600             450              225          130          100

Porcelain Wall Tile                                               500               375             180          125         90

Porcelain Floor Tile                                          500                375             180           125          90

Granite Stone                                                  400                300              150            100          75

diamond core drill bits
Diamond core drill bits for granite
