How to use diamond core drill bits by Material

Material Hardness & Abrasiveness

Materials have varying degrees of hardness and abrasiveness. Additionally, specific man-made and natural materials can differ greatly depending upon the exact physical composition. For example, glass varies in hardness depending upon color and type, since various metals and minerals are added to achieve the different types and colors. Glass also has differing degrees of “temper” depending upon the specific manufacturing methods used. Ceramics, ceramic tile, porcelain and porcelain tile are various forms of vitrified glass like material. They also have differing hardness and abrasiveness depending upon the type, composition, manufacturer and manufacturing methods used.

The hardness and abrasiveness of natural materials, such as stone, vary by type, but they also vary significantly within a specific type. Most stones are not pure – they are mixtures of various types of rock. Granite, for example, contains various combinations of primarily quartz, feldspar, black mica and hornblende. Therefore, a specific stone type such as granite or marble, will vary significantly in hardness and abrasiveness depending upon the exact mineral composition that varies by quarry location.

Below is a table of the hardness of various materials. The table uses the standard Knoop Hardness Scale (kg/mm2). The hardest known material is Diamond, with a Knoop measurement of 7,000. Tungsten Carbide, used in carbide drill bits, is the hardest natural material next to Diamond. However, with a measurement of 2,100, Tungsten Carbide is only 30% as hard as Diamond.

Material                                                                             Knoop Hardness Scale

Wood – Pine                                                                      10

Copper                                                                             120

Limestone                                                                         125 – 150
Marble                                                                                140 – 180

Slate                                                                                140 – 250

Porcelain Fixtures & China                                                            400 – 500


Glass & Ceramic                                                               450 – 600

Ceramic/Porcelain Wall Tile                                              450 – 650

 Marble Style Floor Tile                                                    500 – 650

Granite Style Floor Tile                                                     500 – 650

Granite                                                                             550 – 650

Quartz                                                                                                 820

Tungsten Carbide                                                                               2100

Diamond                                                                                           7000
Now you can say the hardness of diamond is bigger than any materials.
So diamond core drill bits are suitable for any hard materials

diamond core drill bits
Diamond core drill bit


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